The Power of Integrating ERP with AR Automation Solutions

Can ERPs be used for Accounts Receivable Management?

While the answer is, “Yes, you can.”, the correct answer, in fact, is “No!”

The reason is that while ERPs will provide AR data to your individual teams, but they will not be able to provide data at the level of complexity as AR Automation Solutions can. AR Automation Solutions provide details data and analytics on every aspect of the collection process so that your teams can actually draw useful insights that can help make strategic financial decisions.

So, when it comes to ERP and Accounts Receivable Management, the best thing to do is to integrate your existing ERP with an AR Automation Software. We, in fact, did a small survey with CFOs, that truly threw up some very surprising results. More than half the CFOs we surveyed believed and feared that the integration of their existing ERP and an AR Automation Software will actually not be feasible. The most important reason in their minds was that the cost of integration will be too high.

Well, they couldn’t be more wrong – combining your existing ERP with an AR Automation Software is an not only easy, it is also low maintenance and economical. In fact, because ERPs have native connectivity, the integration process is so simple that it enables you and your teams to concentrate on matters that actually matter.

Another concern that our survey with CFOs threw up was that more than half of the CFOs we spoke to were concerned that it would be difficult to choose the best AR Automation Software or Tool when it comes to automating the AR process.

Read the full article


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